Family Resources

Back to School:

There isn't one person who cannot recall the emotions that were stirred by those words "it is time to go back to school."  The excitement over getting something new to wear on that first day, the joy of connecting to friends not seen all summer, mixed with the dread of homework, the sadness of parting with warm summer days and the anticipation of all the fall festivities made a roller coaster ride out of those long days in late August.  To this day, I find myself thinking of that first day of school as the beginning of a new year, not January 1st.  

For some families and students, this time of year is filled with more angst than joy.  Perhaps there isn't money enough for new anything, the dread of homework is more like anticipating WWIII, and facing a new year of fighting with children about the importance of school turns the pleasure to pain. 
As a foster parent of teenage boys since the year 1986, I can assure you that I fully understand and sympathize with that pain.  I have heard more excuses about why the school work isn't being done:  "I forgot my book. I don't remember what we were supposed to do.  The teacher didn't explain it clearly enough."  Then there have been the dishonest/honest few who look sweetly into my face and say, "My homework is all done," only for the first progress report to smack me back into reality. 

Let's not forget the social drama that plays out on any given day at any given school.  "Why don't I have a best friend?  Nobody likes me!  He knew I was going to ask her out to the dance!" 

The academic struggles along with the stress of maneuvering  the social playing field eventually causes a student of any age to erupt like a volcano, spewing those red hot words, "I HATE SCHOOL!"

There may be hope:
I would like to suggest a site I have found helpful: Additude: Strategies for ADHD and LD.  Even if a child isn't diagnosed with ADHD, this site is full of a plethora of helps.  From how to wake up an ADHD child, to a guide on what to seek for IEP/504 accommodations, to coping with after school meltdowns, to making homework simple, this site provides webinars, downloads, directories, and treatment suggestions.  Using this site doesn't cost anything but time--and it is time well spent if you are looking for a way to turn that back to school pain into back to school pleasure.

Additude: Strategies for ADHD and LD

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